Management 3.0
Farewell to outdated management guides! Get ready to adopt a fresh and empowering method that will take your success to new heights. If you believe that leadership should be a collaborative effort, this workshop provides a way to undergo a significant transformation. Prepare yourself to improve your leadership skills and boost your team's effectiveness. Join the Management 3.0 Foundation Workshop to kickstart your journey towards becoming a skilled and agile leader. Your quest for a more lively and energized future begins today!

Management 3.0

Benefits Of Joining
Management 3.0 Program

Agile leadership: 

Management 3.0 views leadership as a collective responsibility. It encourages managers to focus on managing the system rather than micromanaging individuals.

Leadership training:

Management 3.0 offers workshops that cover both theoretical and practical aspects of agile management. Participants learn tools they can apply directly in their work environments.

Employee Happiness:

Management 3.0 prioritizes employee well-being. By creating a positive work environment, it aims to achieve organizational goals while ensuring the happiness and fulfillment of team members.

Games, Tools, and Practices

Management 3.0 is a dynamic collection of games, tools, and practices designed to empower PEOPLE and enhance organizational effectiveness, foster engagement, creativity, and continuous improvement.

Environment Perspective:

Rather than isolating management practices, Management 3.0 looks at the entire work system. It considers how people interact, communicate, and collaborate within the organization.


Management 3.0

Key Skills & Perspectives of
Management 3.0 Program

workshop is designed for diverse audience

- Team leaders
- Managers
- Change managers
- Agile coaches
- Scrum masters
- Project managers
- HR professionals
- C level executives
- Team members

offers interactive modules for acquiring new skills and perspectives

- Management and leadership
- Principles
- Complexity thinking
- Motivation and engagement
- Delegation and empowerment
- Values and culture
- Learning and competencies
- Scaling organizational structure
- Change management

workshop equips you with knowledge and skills to:

Become a better manager or leader
- Boost productivity
- Nurture innovation
- Motivate team
- Change the culture
- Become more agile
- Increase happiness at work

Attendees will receive a certificate, the Foundation Workshop Certificate of Attendance. This certificate is a requirement for applying to become a licensed Management 3.0 Facilitator

Let's start the journey together.

Contact us and let's appoint your first call today!